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Mega is very honored to be invited to participate in and sponsor PCB Thailand Investment Exchange meeting and Technology Innovation Forum.


This seminar will discuss the practical challenges encountered by Thailand Investment Association, AI application and corresponding PCB related technologies and materials, and invite relevant industrial chains to share. We hope that through the exchange of opinions in the seminar, the seminar will enhance the industry interaction and the competitiveness of the industry. 

作為本次論壇的贊助商,我司始終秉持著推動PCB行業持續發展與進步的堅定信念和深厚責任! 我們期待通過參與這樣的活動,與更多優秀的企業和專家互通互鑒,共同推動行業的技術創新和產業升級!

As the sponsor of this forum, our company always uphold the firm belief and profound responsibility to promote the sustainable development and progress of PCB industry! We look forward to participating in such activities, exchanging ideas and mutual learning with more excellent enterprises and experts, and jointly promoting the technological innovation and industrial upgrading of the industry!

在本次論壇會中,我司劉紹民董事長以PCB建廠--泰國經驗與風險管理為主題進行了精彩的演講,強調了投資企業需一切合法合規,以泰國法律保護投資者應有權益為最佳方式。 並詳細闡述了投資建廠政策、工程專案注意事項、建築工程、暖通與無塵室工程以及機電工程等多個方面的關鍵點。 他特別指出,在泰國投資建廠的過程中,語言溝通是一項重要的服務優勢,美嘉能夠提供中英泰三種語言的無障礙溝通服務,確保專案順利進行。

In this forum, Liu Shaomin Chairman  of our company, made a wonderful speech on the theme of PCB factory building- -Thailand experience and risk management, emphasizing that investment enterprises should have all legal compliance and take the best way to protect the rights and interests of investors by Thai law. The key points of investment and factory construction policy, engineering project precautions, construction engineering, HVAC and clean clean room engineering and mechanical and electrical engineering are expounded in detail. In particular, he pointed out that language communication is an important service advantage in the process of investing in Thailand, and Mega can provide barrier-free communication services in China, Britain and Thailand to ensure the smooth progress of the project.


此外,劉董事長還詳細介紹了美嘉在泰國在地服務方面的卓越實力,包括協助投資廠商進行土地評估、地塊平面規劃、建築結構機電給排水、空調、無塵室、消防等設計與規劃,製作工程預算與保價建議,協助招標作業以及業主與承包商的施工合同簽訂等工作。 我們還提供專業的施工監理與驗收服務,確保項目高品質完成。

In addition, chairman liu also introduced the first excellence in service in Thailand, including assist investment manufacturers in land assessment, plot plan planning, building structure of mechanical and electrical water supply and drainage, air conditioning, clean room, fire design and planning, production project budget and valuation advice, assist the bidding operation and the owner and contractor construction contract signing, etc. We also provide professional construction supervision and acceptance services to ensure the high-quality completion of the project.



Through the wonderful speech of Chairman Liu of our company, the attendees not only deeply understood the practical experience and management wisdom of investing and building the factory in Thailand, but also further realized the comprehensive strength and excellent service of Mega.


We look forward to working together with more partners in the future to jointly promote the sustainable development and innovation of the PCB industry and create a better future for the industry!