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匯流排支架安裝要求Installation Requirements for Bus Duct Supports:

1匯流排支架安裝應牢固、無明顯扭曲,採用金屬吊架固定時,應設有防晃支架(1) Bus duct supports should be securely installed without obvious distortion. When using metal hangers, anti-sway brackets must be provided.

2)室內匯流排的圓鋼吊架直徑不得小於8mm,室內照明匯流排的圓鋼吊架直徑不得小於6mm(2) The diameter of round steel hangers for indoor bus ducts should not be less than 8mm, and for indoor lighting bus ducts, the diameter should not be less than 6mm.

3)水準或者垂直敷設的匯流排,每節不得小於一個支吊架,其間距應符合產品設計要求的間距,據拐彎0.4~0.6m處應設置支架,固定點位置不應設置在匯流排的連接處或分接單元處。(3) For horizontally or vertically laid bus ducts, each section should have no fewer than one support hanger. The spacing should meet the design requirements, and supports should be placed at 0.4-0.6m intervals near bends. Fixing points should not be located at bus duct connections or tap-off unit locations.

匯流排安裝與連接要求Installation and Connection Requirements for Bus Ducts:

1匯流排跨越建築物變形縫時,應設置補償裝置;匯流排直線敷設長度超過80m,每50-60m宜設置伸縮節。(1) When bus ducts cross building expansion joints, compensation devices should be installed. For straight bus duct lengths exceeding 80m, expansion joints should be installed every 50-60m.

2匯流排不宜安裝在水管的正下方(2) Bus ducts should not be installed directly beneath water pipes.

3匯流排段與段的連接口不應設置在穿越樓板或者是牆體處,垂直穿越樓板處應設置與建築物固定的專用部件支座,其孔洞四周應設置高度為50mm及以上的防水臺,並應採取防火封堵措施。(3) Connection joints between bus duct sections should not be located where they pass through floor slabs or walls. Vertical passages through floor slabs should have dedicated fixed components with surrounding holes equipped with waterproof platforms of at least 50mm height. Fireproof sealing measures should also be implemented.

4匯流排連接的接觸電阻應小於0.1Ω。(4) The contact resistance of bus duct connections should be less than 0.1Ω.

5匯流排的金屬外殼等外露可導電部分應於保護導體可靠連接,每段匯流排的金屬外殼應連接可靠,且匯流排全長與保護導體可靠連接不應少於2處;分支匯流排的金屬外殼末端應於保護導體可靠連接。(5) Exposed conductive parts of bus ducts, such as metal shells, should have reliable connections to protective conductors. Each section of the bus duct's metal shell should be reliably connected to the protective conductor at no fewer than two locations. The terminal end of branch bus ducts' metal shells should be reliably connected to the protective conductor.

匯流排通電前檢查Pre-Energization Inspection of Bus Ducts:

(1)匯流排通電前應進行檢驗或試驗,高壓匯流排絕緣電阻值不應小於20MΩ,低壓匯流排絕緣電阻值不應小於0.5MΩ。(1) Before energizing, bus ducts should undergo inspection or testing. The insulation resistance value for high-voltage bus ducts should not be less than 20MΩ, and for low-voltage bus ducts, the insulation resistance value should not be less than 0.5MΩ.

(2)分接單元插入時,接地觸頭應先於相線觸頭接觸,且觸頭連接緊密,退出時,接地觸頭應後於相線觸頭脫開。(2) When inserting tap-off units, the grounding contact should make contact with the phase contact first, and the contact should be tight. When removing, the grounding contact should disengage after the phase contact.